
Genady Vishnevetsky

Stewart Title Guaranty Company

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Stewart Title Guaranty Company

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Posted By Genady Vishnevetsky 07-19-2024 10:31
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A popular hacking forum leaked the most extensive password compilation with nearly ten billion unique passwords. Cybernews researchers discovered what appears to be the largest password compilation, with over 9.9 billion unique plaintext passwords. The file with the data was posted on July 4th. Three ...
Posted By Genady Vishnevetsky 07-12-2024 11:51
Found In Egroup: Open Forum
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A recent cybersecurity discovery has revealed a potential vulnerability in Microsoft 365 accounts that could allow attackers to bypass multi-factor authentication (MFA). The recent attack leverages a technique involving the Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX), a platform that enables AI models to be ...
Posted By Genady Vishnevetsky 06-28-2024 09:10
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One figure stands out in the vast and complex financial crime landscape: the money mule. Money mules are individuals who, knowingly or unknowingly, help criminals move illicit funds, often playing a crucial role in money laundering. Wire fraud success relies solely on money mules. Money mules are typically ...
Posted By Genady Vishnevetsky 06-21-2024 08:43
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Wire fraud and business email compromise (BEC) are not just topics of discussion but real threats we encounter frequently. Our industry and business are prime targets for these attacks. However, it's not just our field offices and agents at risk. Consider the many other business functions that handle ...
Posted By Genady Vishnevetsky 06-14-2024 09:05
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The old new threat is circling around tricking users into downloading and installing an info stealer as a fake Google Chrome browser update. These fake updates often look real and can lead to serious security breaches. The infostealer is a type of malware that allows attackers to remotely access and ...
Posted By Genady Vishnevetsky 06-07-2024 08:49
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In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, a sinister tactic known as "scareware" continues to emerge. This tactic preys on human emotions to trick unsuspecting victims into compromising their systems and personal information. This malicious approach leverages fear and anxiety to coerce ...
Posted By Genady Vishnevetsky 05-31-2024 08:59
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YouTube, a popular platform for entertainment and education, has unfortunately become a playground for cybercriminals. According to research by Avast, cybercriminals exploit the platform's automated advertising and user-generated content to propagate their harmful activities, making YouTube a significant ...
Posted By Genady Vishnevetsky 05-24-2024 09:08
Found In Egroup: Open Forum
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In the digital age, cybercriminals are constantly finding new ways to deceive individuals and organizations. One of the latest schemes involves using fake DocuSign templates to commit extortion and business email compromise. DocuSign widespread use has made it a target for scammers. They create phishing ...
Posted By Genady Vishnevetsky 05-17-2024 09:13
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Email security is a critical concern for businesses and individuals alike. With the rise of cyber threats, it's essential to understand how to protect your emails from being spoofed or used for phishing attacks. Here's a simplified guide to email security and some recommendations to get started: ...
Posted By Genady Vishnevetsky 05-03-2024 09:29
Found In Egroup: Open Forum
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In the digital age, our lives are increasingly managed online, and with that comes the need for heightened security. Password managers have become our digital vaults, promising to keep our countless passwords safe under the watch of one master key. But what happens when that master key falls into the ...
Posted By Genady Vishnevetsky 04-26-2024 07:57
Found In Egroup: Open Forum
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Artificial intelligence (AI) has taken a significant leap forward in the ever-evolving world of technology. A recent study from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign revealed that AI, specifically the latest version known as GPT-4, can now understand and exploit software vulnerabilities just by ...
Posted By Genady Vishnevetsky 04-19-2024 08:19
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Deepfake technology is becoming a tool for fraudsters, and even big companies are being targeted. In recent news, LastPass shared an incident where an employee received calls and messages via WhatsApp from someone impersonating the CEO using deepfake audio. Fortunately, the employee was cautious and ...
Posted By Genady Vishnevetsky 04-12-2024 08:49
Found In Egroup: Open Forum
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Have you ever experienced the convenience of your browser offering to save your password with a simple click of "Yes"? This feature makes our online lives easier, but it's crucial to understand the potential risk. While tempting, this convenience can leave your personal information vulnerable. Hackers ...
Posted By Genady Vishnevetsky 04-05-2024 11:38
Found In Egroup: Open Forum
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In today's world, where working from home has become the norm, companies increasingly rely on remote desktop access to keep business running smoothly. However, this convenience comes with a hidden risk: cybercriminals are actively seeking opportunities to exploit these systems, leaving businesses vulnerable ...
Posted By Genady Vishnevetsky 03-29-2024 10:25
Found In Egroup: Open Forum
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In the ever-evolving world of cyber threats, a new tactic has emerged that's tricking even the smartest AI security systems. It's called "Conversation Overflow," a clever way cybercriminals are getting their phishing emails past our defenses. Imagine an email that looks totally normal but hidden within ...
Posted By Genady Vishnevetsky 03-22-2024 08:50
Found In Egroup: Open Forum
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A Deceptive Email Ploy: A sophisticated phishing scam has been detected, exploiting our trust in Dropbox. The scammers ingeniously crafted emails, seemingly from Dropbox, containing a PDF link. This PDF harbored another link, leading to a counterfeit Microsoft login page. The ultimate aim? To pilfer ...
Posted By Genady Vishnevetsky 03-15-2024 08:48
Found In Egroup: Open Forum
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In the digital age, online meetings have become common. However, cybercriminals are now creating fake versions of popular platforms such as Skype, Google Meet, and Zoom, posing a new threat. A recent campaign discovered by Zcaler's ThreatLabz revealed that threat actors are creating counterfeit online ...
Posted By Genady Vishnevetsky 03-08-2024 10:01
Found In Egroup: Open Forum
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In a landmark decision, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has ordered Avast, a well-known antivirus software provider, to pay a hefty fine of $16.5 million. This action came after Avast was found to have sold users' browsing data despite promises of protecting their privacy from online tracking. Years ...
Posted By Genady Vishnevetsky 03-01-2024 09:21
Found In Egroup: Open Forum
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Tax season is a heightened activity for taxpayers, accountants, and cybercriminals. As we prepare for tax returns, it's crucial to be aware of the security risks that come with this period. Understanding the Risks Phishing scams are one of the most common security risks during tax season. Cybercriminals ...
Posted By Genady Vishnevetsky 02-23-2024 08:51
Found In Egroup: Open Forum
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Hackers continuously try to break into Microsoft 365 applications and steal information. According to Proofpoint, a cybersecurity company, hackers have been sending phishing emails to various organizations since November 2023. These emails contain fake documents or links that trick the recipients into ...