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Bank of America

  • 1.  Bank of America

    Posted 12-11-2024 08:59
    Getting satisfaction documents on older mortgages is a pain, isn’t it? So, does anyone have good contact info at Bank of America to get a satisfaction of a commercial mortgage?

    Stephen M. Flatow, Counsel
    Vested Land Services LLC
    Fairfield, NJ
    973-808-6131 D
    973-808-6130 O
    973-227-0645 Fax
    ALTA Marketplace

  • 2.  RE: Bank of America

    Posted 12-12-2024 08:05

    This email contact is a little dated (I used it in 2020), and likely was for a residential mortgage, but would be worth a try:   [email protected] 


    Cynthia N. Zook

    Legal Assistant
    Blakinger Thomas, PC
    28 Penn Square, PO Box 1889, Lancaster, PA 17608-1889



    ALTA Marketplace

  • 3.  RE: Bank of America

    Posted 12-13-2024 12:59

    And if you still cannot get a response, I have heard that if you leave a message on their Facebook account and let them know your complaint about not getting a response and how it is affecting your client and their transaction, they should look into the matter and get back to you quickly. Under CFPB they have guidelines about responding to complaints and resolving them within a certain period of time ....  

    Juliana Tu, CSEO, CEO, CBSS, CEI, SASIP
    President and Escrow Manager
    Viva Escrow! Inc.
    Arcadia, CA 91006

    ALTA Marketplace

  • 4.  RE: Bank of America

    Posted 12-12-2024 11:50


    Its been years since I last used it, but I've had success getting old releases on residential deals using [email protected].  They usually want the usual items (written request, borrower auth) and a copy of your commitment and the mortgage you are requesting a release on.

    Thank you,

    Nikki Traversa
    Operations Manager
    Office Line (844) 482-0244
    Pronouns: she / her / hers

    ALTA Marketplace

  • 5.  RE: Bank of America

    Posted 12-16-2024 09:11

    I am in the same boat, but a different lender.  Has anyone had any luck getting an old Banc One Financial Services, Inc. loan released?

    Leigh Brown
    Sole Member
    Welcome Home Title Company, LLC
    Madisonville KY
    +1 (270) 841-7361

    ALTA Marketplace

  • 6.  RE: Bank of America

    Posted 12-16-2024 09:30

    Good morning.  Banc One (Columbus, OH based) was bought out by JPMorgan Chase in 2004 so you may want to start there.  Good luck!

    Darrin Sacket
    Apex Title Agency, Ltd.
    Columbus OH
    +1 (614) 846-7890

    ALTA Marketplace

  • 7.  RE: Bank of America

    Posted 12-16-2024 09:37

    No luck there.  I tried them already and was informed that this particular account did not pay off with Chase or it was not serviced by Chase.

    Leigh Brown
    Sole Member
    Welcome Home Title Company, LLC
    Madisonville KY
    +1 (270) 841-7361

    ALTA Marketplace

  • 8.  RE: Bank of America

    Posted 12-16-2024 10:02

    ReQuire ( is a service we have hired in the past to get satisfactions for old mortgages that no one wants to claim responsibility for satisfying.  Their website makes it sound like you have to purchase an ongoing-subscription type of service, but you don't; on a separate fee structure they will do "one-off" requests as well.





    Cynthia N. Zook

    Legal Assistant
    Blakinger Thomas, PC
    28 Penn Square, PO Box 1889, Lancaster, PA 17608-1889



    ALTA Marketplace

  • 9.  RE: Bank of America

    Posted 12-16-2024 10:13

    Thank you!

    Leigh Brown
    Sole Member
    Welcome Home Title Company, LLC
    Madisonville KY
    +1 (270) 841-7361

    ALTA Marketplace

  • 10.  RE: Bank of America

    Posted 12-16-2024 12:04
    We’ve used ReQuire and Trax, a First American product over the years, but I hate to go to them when dealing with a still existing lender as is the case with my B of A request.
    When that is resolved I’ll post all the info I have for future reference.

    Stephen M. Flatow, Counsel
    Vested Land Services LLC
    973-808-6131 D
    973-808-6130 O
    973-227-0645 Fax

    ALTA Marketplace

  • 11.  RE: Bank of America

    Posted 12-13-2024 08:57

    From the Bank of America website:

    Please allow 90 days after the mortgage loan has been paid off before contacting the applicable county recorder's office to obtain a copy. If a copy is not available with the county recorder's office after 90 days, please call the Bank of America Customer Service team at 1-800-669-6607 to submit a lien release request.

    When contacting customer service, please have the loan number available for the lien in question. If you do not have a loan number, please be prepared to provide the below information to customer service with your request.

    • Full Name of all borrowers on the security instrument
    • Property address
    • Loan amount and year of lien
    • Documentation (one of the following documents)
    • Copy of recorded security instrument
    • Current title report
    • DMV title report (mobile homes only)

    Please note that inaccurate or incomplete information may delay processing of your lien release request.

    Please allow Bank of America 15 business days to process the lien release request and submit the request to the county.

    If you need to request an expedited lien release, please call the Bank of America Customer Service team at 1-800-669-6607 and advise the customer service representative. Also, please be prepared to provide the upcoming closing date.

    (Not on their website)  Additionally, you could try:    [email protected]

    Darrin Sacket
    Apex Title Agency, Ltd.
    Columbus OH
    +1 (614) 846-7890

    ALTA Marketplace