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Ideas for A.I. Presentation at ALTA One?

  • 1.  Ideas for A.I. Presentation at ALTA One?

    Posted 07-12-2023 17:08
    What are your thoughts on AI?

    Hi everyone, Sam Trimble & I are going to be doing a presentation at ALTA One in October, so to prep, wanted to ask what your biggest questions AI-related questions are ... or what are you most interested in learning about?

    ... What topics related to AI are you most fascinated with?

    ... What AI have you experimented with?

    ... Have you tried ChatGPT? Thoughts on it?

    ... Are you worried that AI will take over the world? Seriously ... but not seriously ... LOL.

    Let us know because we want this to be the most informative session possible ... one that EVERYONE in the room feels like they got something out of! 

    Bill Svoboda
    Minneapolis MN
    +1 (612) 805-4080
    ALTA Marketplace

  • 2.  RE: Ideas for A.I. Presentation at ALTA One?

    Posted 07-13-2023 10:09

    HI Bill,

    This is a great topic and there's a LOT of interest in all things AI and LLM right now. I thought you might be interested in a recent discussion about ChatGPT here on ALTA Connection. Check it out: Open Forum

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    Open Forum
    The ALTA Information Security Work Group met on May 23rd and one of the topics discussed was how to safely and effectively use ChatGPT. I've tried it myself and
    View this on Alta >


    Kelly Romeo | SVP & CIO | ALTA
    202-261-2948 | [email protected]

    ALTA Marketplace

  • 3.  RE: Ideas for A.I. Presentation at ALTA One?

    Posted 07-13-2023 15:50
    Thanks Kelly - that's a great thread!! Lots of stuff on ChatGPT in it ... thanks for sharing!




    PHONE: 612-805-4080
    EMAIL: [email protected]


    ALTA Marketplace

  • 4.  RE: Ideas for A.I. Presentation at ALTA One?

    Posted 07-14-2023 10:09

    Hey Bill, I am a big fan.  I use ChatGPT and on a regular basis.  Like a lot of other people, the media had scared me a little bit about using it, but then I spoke to an attorney colleague who uses it and she explained how to use it effectively with lower risk.    Once I "took that first bite", I was hooked.  It has made my life so much easier.  I have used it to create outlines for courses, webinars, etc, as well as to create slide decks and other presentation materials.  As an attorney, I find that sometimes my responses to emails can sound a bit harsh at times, and I have used ChatGPT to help me lighten my tone.  I have also used it to find wording for specific contract provisions.  The key is to frame your prompts without including any PPI.   I can't wait to attend your session at ALTA ONE!

    Creating a better business experience while turning revenues into profits

    Nancy L. Gusman, Esq.                      
    Brick House Consulting Services, LLC                      
    GusmanLegal, LLC                                         
    Past President, Maryland Land Title Association                                                           
    Certified Land Title Professional (CLTP)                                
    National Title Professional (NTP)                                                           
    11720 Beltsville Drive
    Suite 500
    Beltsville, MD 20705
    Phone: (301)563-9669                                                 
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    ALTA Marketplace

  • 5.  RE: Ideas for A.I. Presentation at ALTA One?

    Posted 07-14-2023 14:08
    Thanks Nancy, I need to do some more digging into ... it's crazy how many tools are out there, but I love hearing thoughts from everyone on what they are using ... and how they are using them. 100% agree on the PPI though. That PPI + AI combination has horrible potential to go very bad, very fast.

    Appreciate your thoughts ... this is going to be a fun session.




    PHONE: 612-805-4080
    EMAIL: [email protected]


    ALTA Marketplace

  • 6.  RE: Ideas for A.I. Presentation at ALTA One?

    Posted 07-17-2023 10:19

    HI Bill, I look forward to this presentation. For the past 5 days I have been deep diving into ChatGPT's Code Interpreter (must be a "plus" monthly subscriber to use). It is intense what it can do and everyday I am learning more and people are discovering its new "features".Great for interpreting data, converting files types, creating code to quickly make a PPT off the date, etc. Im sure you know all these crazy things it can do. But its mind lowing. So needless to say, I am a BIG fan and it has increased my productivity tremendously over the past few months.

    Sabrina Bier
    Director of Digital Media and Education
    Proper Title
    Chicago IL

    ALTA Marketplace

  • 7.  RE: Ideas for A.I. Presentation at ALTA One?

    Posted 07-17-2023 11:12
    Thanks Sabrina ~ I love that you dove right in with the paid plan to get more out of it ... and that you are using it for other things beyond just marketing ideas... not sure if you are using it more for personal or business, but do you know of anyone in the industry utilizing GPT to analyze data or anything else for their title company? ... or are you using it for your company with those features?




    PHONE: 612-805-4080
    EMAIL: [email protected]


    ALTA Marketplace

  • 8.  RE: Ideas for A.I. Presentation at ALTA One?

    Posted 07-18-2023 09:30

    Bill, Good questions!

    re: analyzing business data: I am currently playing around with public data sets. I don't understand the security of it yet and dont want to get approval before uploading any company CSV file to ChatGPT (or alike). Im ready to start using it to understand growth, our trends compared to the market trends, employee production etc. Obviously we have the data buy to be able to interrupt and provide summaries/charts along with suggestions for improvement.

    re: "only marketing" - yes, for the most part we are using this daily, but starting to use it to rewrite email template responses, post-closing, etc. In addition to account executives presentations and our recommendations for our website SEO, etc. Although to me that is still considered marketing, it definitely spreads throughout the organization.

    Hope that helps a little. Im still earning and look forward to your presentation with Sam!!

    Sabrina Bier
    Director of Digital Media and Education
    Proper Title
    Chicago IL

    ALTA Marketplace

  • 9.  RE: Ideas for A.I. Presentation at ALTA One?

    Posted 07-18-2023 10:37
    Thanks Sabrina - Yeah, I'm definitely interested in how GPT can help analyze data, so it's good to hear you're trying it there with the public info.  Super interested to dig into a few other areas that will relate more to the processes during the transaction. Stay posted ... this is going to be an epic presentation and I'd love any other thoughts you have.




    PHONE: 612-805-4080
    EMAIL: [email protected]


    ALTA Marketplace

  • 10.  RE: Ideas for A.I. Presentation at ALTA One?

    Posted 07-18-2023 09:49

    Hey Bill,

    There are definitely applications for AI in the title space. We've built a platform Parse AI that uses machine learning to extract data from title documents and quickly build runsheets on a pay-as-you-go system. We're about to build our own LLM, but our existing models are already more accurate than general purpose LLMs like ChatGPT.

    You can check it all out here I'd be happy to give you and anyone else on here a demo to answer questions and get you rolling. We have quite a bit more in the works.

    Bobby Simpson
    Parse AI
    New York NY
    +1 (405) 990-9938

    ALTA Marketplace

  • 11.  RE: Ideas for A.I. Presentation at ALTA One?

    Posted 07-18-2023 10:38
    Bobby, thanks for the reply - that's awesome. Does Parse integrate with the title production software, or is it accessed through a different way? It looks very cool!

    You going to be at ALTA One?




    PHONE: 612-805-4080
    EMAIL: [email protected]


    ALTA Marketplace

  • 12.  RE: Ideas for A.I. Presentation at ALTA One?

    Posted 07-18-2023 16:11

    Hoping to make it to Alta One! Parse currently exports into Excel, but we can integrate with title production software via API. You can sign up to trial the platform directly via our website (more specifically If you're looking for integration with specific software, I'm happy to hop on a call to discuss it.

    Bobby Simpson
    Parse AI
    New York NY
    +1 (405) 990-9938
    [email protected]

    ALTA Marketplace